New publication in the project "Wealth" published and presentation announcement

In their research essay, Nicole Burzan and Berthold Vogel dealt with a sociologically rather underexposed pole: wealth. They state:
"Today and in this country, however, the research situation is different. Already in Ulrich Beck's risk society there were no rich, but only risks of varying degrees, and in Andreas Reckwitz's analyses the ladder of social hierarchy already ends in the upper middle class - also a form of sociological capitulation."
The text can be read on the Soziopolis site. It is part of a broader dossier on wealth entitled The Super-Rich. Sociological Explorations. An overview can be found here.
In addition, Benjamin Neumann, Maya Halatcheva-Trapp, and Marliese Weißmann announced the presentation Wealth and Family: An Intersectional Look at Family Relationships in Film for the conference Wealth. Filmanalytic Probes of a Cultural Phenomenon, which will take place on February 16 and 17, 2024 at the University of Koblenz.
Both are part of the Volkswagen Foundation-funded project Wealth as a Social Relationship. Intergenerational Perspectives on the Familial (Re)Production of Wealth, which is led in cooperation by Nicole Burzan (TU Dortmund) and Berthold Vogel (SOFI Göttingen) and conducted by Maya Halatcheva-Trapp (TU Dortmund), Benjamin Neumann (TU Dortmund) and Marliese Weißmann (SOFI Göttingen).